Colourstrings Violin ABC: Book E — Violin tutor
Szilvay, GézaTuotetiedot
Nimeke: | Colourstrings Violin ABC: Book E — Violin tutor | ||
Tekijät: | Szilvay, Géza (Kirjoittaja) | ||
Tuotetunnus: | 9790550095434 | ||
Tuotemuoto: | Nuotti | ||
Saatavuus: | Toimitusaika 3-7 päivää | ||
Hinta: | 50,37 € (44,18 € alv 0 %) | ||
Kustantaja: | Fennica Gehrman |
Sarja: | Colourstrings® Violin ABC |
Painos: | 2024 |
Julkaisuvuosi: | 2013 |
Kieli: | englanti |
Sivumäärä: | 167 |
Tuoteryhmät: | Jousisoittimet Colourstrings Colourstrings viulu-, alttoviulu-, sello- ja bassokoulut Colourstrings, Colour Keys, muut Colour-soitinkoulut Viulukoulut Soitinkoulut, pedagogiset julkaisut |
Kirjastoluokka: | 78.711 Viulunsoiton opintoaineistoksi tarkoitettu musiikki |
Avainsanat: | Colourstrings, Etydit, Viulukokoelmat, Viulukoulut |
Muut formaatit tai variantit
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E-kirja, 2021 EPUB |
43,32 €
The extensive Colourstrings Violin ABC Book E of the popular Colourstrings violin tutors includes a wealth of repertoire for young violin players. The Book E uses the standard notation from the start and is suitable as an exercise and repertoire volume for all the violin students and pedagogues, also without Colourstrings method background. It concentrates on the left hand and makes conscious use of the various finger patterns and finger positions on the fingerboard. In the voluminous 176 pages of the Book E etudes and many kinds of exercises alternate with excerpts from the violin literature, folk music, duos, and trios. The musical grammar (theory) is taught through the instrument. This integration of theory and practice serves the pupil and all the pedagogues teaching privately without the support of solfege and theory classes. The book E also contains 21 performance pieces from 16 composers (piano accompaniment available as a separate edition, ISMN 9790550096424). Have a look on the sample pages for more information! The Colourstrings Violin ABC Book F (9790550095441) continues with the left hand and special fingering patterns, whereas Yellow Pages of the Colourstrings Violin School I, II & III concentrate on the right hand, rhythms, ornaments, and basic bowings.
The performance pieces included in the Colourstrings Violin ABC Book E:
Bach, J. S.: Moderato
Brahms: Lullaby
Dancla: Air de ballet
Gordeli: Georgian Dance
Handel: March from the oratorio Judas Maccabaeus
Hasse: Bourrée
Magomajev: Sorrowful Song
Moffat: Bourrée
Mozart, W. A.: Waltz; Allegro
Purcell: Bourrée
Rameau: Minuet
Schubert: Allemande
Schumann, R.: Romance; The Happy Farmer; First Disappointment; Song
Szervanszky: Hungarian Dance (Maestoso); Hungarian Dance (Allegro giusto)
Tchaikovsky: Italian Song
Vvedenskij: Little Donkey
The extensive Handbook for Teachers and Parents (9790550112490) brings together the entire Colourstrings series for the violin. The Handbook guides the teachers and parents through books A-F and Yellow Pages I-III, offering expert advice and methodological support to teaching in Colourstrings method.
Read more about the Colourstrings method:
The performance pieces included in the Colourstrings Violin ABC Book E:
Bach, J. S.: Moderato
Brahms: Lullaby
Dancla: Air de ballet
Gordeli: Georgian Dance
Handel: March from the oratorio Judas Maccabaeus
Hasse: Bourrée
Magomajev: Sorrowful Song
Moffat: Bourrée
Mozart, W. A.: Waltz; Allegro
Purcell: Bourrée
Rameau: Minuet
Schubert: Allemande
Schumann, R.: Romance; The Happy Farmer; First Disappointment; Song
Szervanszky: Hungarian Dance (Maestoso); Hungarian Dance (Allegro giusto)
Tchaikovsky: Italian Song
Vvedenskij: Little Donkey
The extensive Handbook for Teachers and Parents (9790550112490) brings together the entire Colourstrings series for the violin. The Handbook guides the teachers and parents through books A-F and Yellow Pages I-III, offering expert advice and methodological support to teaching in Colourstrings method.
Read more about the Colourstrings method: