Chamber music for young string players 2 — Playing score for three violins

Rossa, László; Szilvay, Géza
Title: Chamber music for young string players 2 — Playing score for three violins
Authors: Rossa, László (Arranged by)
Szilvay, Géza (Editor)
Product number: 9790550095526
Product form: Sheet music
Availability: Delivery in 3-7 days
Price: 18,86 € (16,54 € vat 0 %)

Publisher: Fennica Gehrman
Edition: 1. edition, 2008
Language: English
Pages: 20
Product family: Strings
Colourstrings materials
String ensembles
Colourstrings chamber music
Colourstrings, Colour Keys, other related methods
Pedagogical material
Pedagogical chamber music
Christmas music
Christmas music: ensembles and orchestras
Finnish library classification: 78.713 Kaksi tai useampia viuluja
Key words: jousiorkesteri, kamarimusiikki
The imaginative and sparkling arrangements of Finnish and Hungarian Christmas songs and repertoire related to different season by László Rossa in this collection "Chamber Music for young string players 2 " offer the possibility to play chamber music from the beginning of instrumental studies. Music is set for three or more violins, and a separate cello part ad lib. is available (9790550110137).


Taivaan enkeli / Angel from Heaven
Kehnot saappaat Jeesuksella / Boots of Little Jesus
Salaperäinen yö / THe mysterious Night
Betlehemin paimenet / The Shepherds of Betlehem
Joulun odotusta / Waiting for Christmas
Kunnia Jumalalle / Glory to God
Hei tonttu-ukot hyppikää / Dance, Brownies, dance!
Rati riti ralla / Frost Song
Tuuli hiljaa henkäilee / Spring Breeze
Metsän puita tuuli tuudittaa / Summer Night in the Forest
Syyslaulu / Autumn Song
Kevättuuli, tulvii vesi / Spring has arrived
Kesähäät / Summer Wedding
Syksy vuorilla / Autumn in the Mountains
Lumisade / It is snowing

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