Chamber music for young string players I-III, cello part

Rossa, László; Szilvay, Géza; Szilvay, Csaba
Title: Chamber music for young string players I-III, cello part
Authors: Rossa, László (Editor)
Szilvay, Géza (Editor)
Szilvay, Csaba (Author)
Product number: 9790550110137
Product form: Sheet music
Availability: Delivery in 3-7 days
Price: 12,64 € (11,09 € vat 0 %)

Publisher: Fennica Gehrman
Edition: 1. edition, 2010
Language: English
Pages: 16
Product family: Strings
Colourstrings materials
String ensembles
Colourstrings chamber music
Colourstrings, Colour Keys, other related methods
Pedagogical material
Pedagogical chamber music
Finnish library classification: 78.713 Kaksi tai useampia viuluja
The imaginative and sparkling arrangements of Finnish and Hungarian folk songs by László Rossa in this collection "Chamber Music for young string players I" offer the possibility to play chamber music from the very beginning of instrumental studies.

This is the additional cello part for the books 9790550095526 and 9790550095533.

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