Colourstrings Viola ABC (Book B)

Simojoki, Pirkko; Szilvay, Géza
Title: Colourstrings Viola ABC (Book B)
Authors: Simojoki, Pirkko (Author)
Szilvay, Géza (Author)
Product number: 9790550112537
Product form: Sheet music
Availability: Delivery in 3-7 days
Price: 32,90 € (29,91 € vat 0 %)

Publisher: Fennica Gehrman
Edition: 2020
Publication year: 2018
Language: English
Pages: 77
Product family: Colourstrings materials
Colourstrings violin/viola/cello/double bass tutors
Colourstrings, Colour Keys, other related methods
Finnish library classification: 78.72 Alttoviulu
The second book in the Colourstring Viola ABC series. Based on the famous Colourstrings methodology developed by Geza and Csaba Szilvay, the Colourstrings Viola ABC follows the track of the Violin ABC. The four colourful symbols represent the fours strings of the instrument and the visual stimuli makes learning easy and fun. In Book B the pupils learn the stopping fingers 1-4 and melodies with two, three, four and five notes. An extensive appendix provides more learning tools.

Colourstrings Viola ABC -sarjan kirja B on nyt saatavilla. Se perustuu Geza ja Csaba Szilvayn kehittämään Colourstrings-metodiin. B-kirjassa käsitellään 1-5-säveliset melodiat sekä kaikki neljä soittavaa sormea. Kirjassa on myös syventävää lisämateriaalia.

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