Concerto for piano left hand and chamber orchestra - Score (PDF)

Nordgren, Pehr Henrik
Title: Concerto for piano left hand and chamber orchestra - Score (PDF)
Authors: Nordgren, Pehr Henrik (Composer)
Product number: 9790550167278
Product form: Digital download, PDF
Availability: After purchase immediately available for download
Publication date: 23.8.2024
Price: 14,90 € (13,55 € vat 0 %)

Publisher: Fennica Gehrman
Edition: 2024
Publication year: 2024
Language: English
Format: PDF
Protection type: Vesileima
Pages: 52
Product family: PDF download
Orchestral & stage works (download edition)
Orchestral & stage works
One solo instrument and orchestra
Finnish library classification: 78.5561 Konsertot pianolle
Key words: pianokonsertot
Downloadable and printable PDF edition (full score).
Pehr Henrik Nordgren (1944-2008) dedicated his Concerto for piano left hand and chamber orchestra op. 129 (2004) for Izumi Tateno, who premiered the work in 2004 with Ostrobothnian Chamber Orchestra conducted by Juha Kangas.

Pehr Henrik Nordgren studied musicology at the University of Helsinki and composition as a private pupil of Joonas Kokkonen. In 1970 he received a three-year stipend to study with Yoshio Hasegawa at the Tokyo University of Art and Music in Japan.

Nordgren's music possesses a personal voice of great strength and originality, which enabled him to travel through all types of musical fields. He was neither a conservative nor a modernist. He saw composing as an outlet for self-expression which, for him, went deeper than speech. According to him, music operates at a narrative level. Formal development is a natural process, one which grows out of the musical material he is working with.

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