Elegy for contraforte and piano — Piano

Aho, Kalevi
Title: Elegy for contraforte and piano — Piano
Authors: Aho, Kalevi (Author)
Product number: 9790550119284
Product form: Sheet music
Availability: Delivery in 7-16 days
Publication date: 26.7.2024
Price: 20,14 € (16,05 € vat 0 %)

Publisher: Fennica Gehrman
Edition: 2024
Publication year: 2024
Language: undefined
Pages: 6
Product family: Bassoon
Finnish library classification: 78.84 Fagotti
Key words: Bassoon, Chamber music, Contemporary music, Contrabassoon, Contraforte, Fagotti, Kamarimusiikki, Kontrafagotti, nykymusiikki
Short piece written for contraforte and piano. Playable also on contrabassoon. The piece was written for Lewis Lipnick in 2016.

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