Gestures of Winter... — (Time around northern night skies) : for string quartet : Score and parts

Nieminen, Kai
Title: Gestures of Winter... — (Time around northern night skies) : for string quartet : Score and parts
Authors: Nieminen, Kai (Composer)
Product number: 9790550114869
Product form: Sheet music
Availability: Delivery in 7-16 days
Price: 44,46 € (39,00 € vat 0 %)

Publisher: Fennica Gehrman
Edition: 2019
Publication year: 2019
Language: English, many languages, Finnish
Pages: 76
Product family: String ensembles
Finnish library classification: 78.5132 Neljä jousisoitinta
Key words: Kai Nieminen, chamber music, jousikvartetto, kamarimusiikki, string quartet
The third string quartet "Gestures of Winter... (Time around northern night skies)" by Kai Nieminen was a part of "Followers of Sibelius" -project in 2017. The work is based on the Nieminen's childhood memory of experience of the northern night sky in Southern Lapland. The work is part of "Three Quartets of Winter" -series.

Kai Niemisen kolmas jousikvartetto Gestures of Winter... (Time around northern night skies) on osa vuoden 2017 Sibeliuksen Seuraajat -projektia. teoksen taustalla on Niemisen lapsuuden kokemus pohjoisen tähtiyöstä eteläisessä Lapissa. Teos on osa "Three Quartets of Winter" -sarjaa.

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