Neljä kehtolaulua mieskuorolle op. 56a (TTBB) — Four Lullabies for male choir op. 56a (TTBB)

Heininen, Paavo
Title: Neljä kehtolaulua mieskuorolle op. 56a (TTBB) — Four Lullabies for male choir op. 56a (TTBB)
Authors: Heininen, Paavo (Composer)
Schoultz, Solveig von (Sanoittaja)
Linjama, Jouko (Sanoittaja)
Heininen, Paavo (Sanoittaja)
Product number: 9790042084571
Product form: Sheet music
Availability: Delivery in 7-16 days
Price: 14,20 € (12,46 € vat 0 %)

Publisher: Fennica Gehrman
Edition: 1993
Language: many languages, Swedish, Finnish
Pages: 23
Product family: Male choir
Choral works
Finnish library classification: 78.3412 Mieskuorot
Key words: kuoromusiikki, mieskuorot
Paavo Heininen (1938-2022) wrote these four lullabies between 1986 and 1990 which together explore in an unprecedented way a palette of technical and expressive possibilities of male voices ranging from harmonic densities to spatial hocketing. Op. 56a opens on a tranquil and lyrical note with four lullabies subtitled 'For myself', 'For everyone', 'For the children' and 'For the cat'. Texts are in Swedish and Finnish.

Have a look inside by clicking "sample".

I Itselleni: Dubbel vaggsång (Solveig von Schoultz)
II Kaikille: Nuken liekkuvirsi sateella ja sateen jälkeen (Jouko Linjama)
III Lapsille: Triple Lullaby (Paavo Heininen)
IV Kissalle: -- ' -- For the Cat

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