Omaggio a Bruno Munari — For guitar

Nieminen, Kai
Title: Omaggio a Bruno Munari — For guitar
Authors: Nieminen, Kai (Composer)
Product number: 9790550113268
Product form: Sheet music
Availability: Delivery in 7-16 days
Price: 13,76 € (10,96 € vat 0 %)

Publisher: Fennica Gehrman
Edition: 2017
Publication year: 2017
Language: undefined
Pages: 6
Product family: Guitar
Other instruments
Finnish library classification: 78.65 Kitara
The inspiration for this work is Bruno Munari's paintings, displayed at Museo del Novecento in Milan and characterised by swirling lines enveloping torn-out music scores, suggested the mysterious atmosphere of this piece and the subheading Un telegramma dal paese dei sogni (A telegram from dreamland).

The composition can be divided into four sections and displays a wide variety of harmonics, cleverly enhancing the polyphonic resources of the guitar.
The very first bars introduce the main themes of the composition: particularly, at bar 7 it is possible to recognize a Bach quote from Das wohltemperierte Clavier (II book, n°24) recurring frequently in the piece and appearing also in the painting.

Meno mosso (bar 51) opens with a ghostly song accompanied by drum-like effects that recall the primitive sound of the shamanic Finnish drum.

Fast sixteenth cascades dotted by harmonic sounds open the fourth and last section at bar 66 (Capriccioso, movendo), alluding to a mysterious telegram sent from another dimension.

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