Piano Sonata : Pianosonaatti op. 1 — C minor, c-molli (pf)
Hannikainen, IlmariProduct information
Title: | Piano Sonata : Pianosonaatti op. 1 — C minor, c-molli (pf) | ||
Authors: | Hannikainen, Ilmari (Composer) | ||
Product number: | 9790550115125 | ||
Product form: | Sheet music | ||
Availability: | Delivery in 3-7 days | ||
Price: | 27,36 € (24,00 € vat 0 %) | ||
Publisher: | Fennica Gehrman |
Edition: | 2019 |
Publication year: | 2019 |
Language: | English, many languages, Finnish |
Pages: | 60 |
Product family: | Piano |
Finnish library classification: | 78.61 Piano |
Key words: | Ilmari Hannikainen, piano, pianosonaatit |
Ilmari Hannikainen (1892-1955) oli 1900-luvun alkupuolen merkittävin suomalaispianisti ja aikanaan maamme tunnetuimpia säveltäjiä. Hannikainen opiskeli sävellystä mm. Erkki Melartinin, Franz Schrekerin ja Maximilian Steinbergin johdolla, ja pianonsoittoa puolestaan Elli Rängman-Björlinin ja Alexander Silotin oppilaana. Ilmari Hannikaisen vuonna 1912 valmistunut pianosonaatti c-molli, op. 1, on laajimpia romanttisia suomalaissävellyksiä pianolle. Tyyliltään teos on vuolaan kansallisromanttinen, ja huokuu nuorta voimaa. Erityisesti Chopinin ja Lisztin soittimelliset vaikutteet yhdistyvät sonaatissa Sibeliukselta omaksuttuun musiikilliseen ilmaisuun. Teos julkaistaan nyt ensimmäistä kertaa - suoraan Urtext-editiona. Pianotaiteilija MuT Risto-Matti Marin ja nuottigraafikko Jani Kyllönen ovat perehtyneet syvällisesti teokseen ja sen käsikirjoitukseen. Nyt tämä suomalaisen pianomusiikin kätketty aarre saa arvoisensa nuottijulkaisun.
Ilmari Hannikainen (1892-1955) was the most important Finnish pianist during the first decades of the 1900s. In his lifetime he also was one of the country's most famous composers. Hannikainen studied composition with Erkki Melartin, Franz Schreker and Maximilian Steinberg. His piano techers include Elli Rängman-Björlin and Alexander Siloti. Piano Sonata C minor Op. 1 was completed in 1912, and is one of the largest-scale romantic piano compositions in the Finnish piano repertoire. The work is a joyride of flowing national romanticsm filled with youthful energy. Some technical influence from Chopin and Liszt is evident, as is from master Sibelius, the major figure in Finnish music at the time. The Piano Sonata is published now for the first time - and directly as an Urtext edition. Pianist Dmus Risto-Matti Marin and music engraver Jani Kyllönen have studied all surviving manuscript sources, resulting in a worthy edition of this great work for piano.
Ilmari Hannikainen (1892-1955) was the most important Finnish pianist during the first decades of the 1900s. In his lifetime he also was one of the country's most famous composers. Hannikainen studied composition with Erkki Melartin, Franz Schreker and Maximilian Steinberg. His piano techers include Elli Rängman-Björlin and Alexander Siloti. Piano Sonata C minor Op. 1 was completed in 1912, and is one of the largest-scale romantic piano compositions in the Finnish piano repertoire. The work is a joyride of flowing national romanticsm filled with youthful energy. Some technical influence from Chopin and Liszt is evident, as is from master Sibelius, the major figure in Finnish music at the time. The Piano Sonata is published now for the first time - and directly as an Urtext edition. Pianist Dmus Risto-Matti Marin and music engraver Jani Kyllönen have studied all surviving manuscript sources, resulting in a worthy edition of this great work for piano.