Sinä ja minä - Yhteissoiton alkeita sellolle ja pianolle — You and I – Elementary duets for violoncello and piano

Karhilo, Liisa
Title: Sinä ja minä - Yhteissoiton alkeita sellolle ja pianolle — You and I – Elementary duets for violoncello and piano
Authors: Karhilo, Liisa (Arranged by)
Product number: 9790550119703
Product form: Sheet music
Availability: Delivery in 7-16 days
Publication date: 7.2.2025
Price: 17,20 € (15,09 € vat 0 %)

Publisher: Fennica Gehrman
Edition: 2025
Publication year: 2025
Language: English, Finnish
Pages: 42
Product family: Pedagogical material
Pedagogical chamber music
Finnish library classification: 78.731 Sellonsoiton opintoaineistoksi tarkoitettu musiikki
Key words: sello, kansansävelmät
The melodies of the 15 inspired arrangements for young cellist and pianist originate from the rich folk music from Europe and the Americas. Renowned Finnish piano pedagogue Liisa Karhilo (1930-1998) wanted to develop the possibilities for children to play together - make chamber music from the very beginning. The cello parts are edited by pedagogue Harry Wimmer.

1. Iloinen metsämies - Merry Woodchopper
2. Puukenkätanssi - Clog Dance
3. Pajassa - Blacksmit
4. Kaiku - Echo
5. Merituuli - Seawind
6. Meripoika - Sailorboy
7. Tarmokas tikanpoika - Woodpecker
8. Hanhiemo - Goslings
9. Kahvipapujen tanssi - Dancing Coffeebeans
10. Purjeet - Sailing
11. Reipas rumpali - Drummer Boy
12. Paimenpoika - Shepherd's Song
13. Lumipyry - Snow Flurries
14. Kehtolaulu - Vaggvisa
15. Kasakkatanssi - Cossack Dance

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