String Quartet (1985) — Score

Englund, Einar
Title: String Quartet (1985) — Score
Authors: Englund, Einar (Composer)
Product number: 9790550112926
Product form: Sheet music
Availability: Delivery in 7-16 days
Price: 20,00 € (17,54 € vat 0 %)

Publisher: Fennica Gehrman
Edition: 2016
Publication year: 2016
Language: English
Pages: 54
Product family: Chamber music
String ensembles
Finnish library classification: 78.5132 Neljä jousisoitinta
Einar Englund's String Quartet from 1985 is a commission by the Jyväskylä Summer Festival and dedicated to Matti Rautio, a fellow composer. The String Quartet is an introvert work. There is a romantic undercurrent vibrating under the neoclassical surface. The work is in four movements, and the total duration is ca. 23 minutes.
Einar Englundin Jousikvartetto vuodelta 1985 on Jyväskylän kesä -festivaalin tilaus. Se on omistettu säveltäjä Matti Rautiolle. Teos on luonteeltaan sisäistynyt, joskin sen pohjimmiltaan romanttinen tunnesisältö väreilee uusklassisen pinnan alla. Teos on neliosainen, ja sen kokonaiskesto on n. 23 minuuttia.

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