Teoreema / Theorem SATB — Sekakuorolle / for mixed choir

Kortekangas, Olli
Title: Teoreema / Theorem SATB — Sekakuorolle / for mixed choir
Authors: Kortekangas, Olli (Composer)
Product number: 9790550113312
Product form: Sheet music
Availability: Delivery in 7-16 days
Price: 12,64 € (11,09 € vat 0 %)

Publisher: Fennica Gehrman
Edition: 2017
Publication year: 2017
Language: Finnish
Pages: 16
Product family: Mixed choir
Choral works
Finnish library classification: 78.3411 Sekakuorot
Wiipurilaisen Osakunnan Laulajien tilauksesta syntynyt Teoreema on sävelletty Eeva-Liisa Mannerin tekstiin. Kortekangas on kokenut vokaalisäveltäjä, mikä näkyy Teoreemassa: Mannerin tekstiä väritetään huipennuksilla ja suvannoilla.

Teoreema (Theorem) was commissioned by the WioL choir. It is setting of Eeva-Liisa Manner's lyrics. Kortekangas is an experienced composer of vocal music, which is apparent in Teoreema: the lyrics are coloured by climaxes and more tranquil sections.

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