Vesi väsyy lumen alle (Water under Snow is Weary) - Chorus part — For SA chorus, flute, piano and strings

Wessman, Harri
Title: Vesi väsyy lumen alle (Water under Snow is Weary) - Chorus part — For SA chorus, flute, piano and strings
Authors: Wessman, Harri (Composer)
Lättemäe, Eha (Text by)
Bosley, Keith (Translator)
Product number: M550091382
Product form: Sheet music
Availability: Delivery in 7-16 days
Price: 3,10 € (2,47 € vat 0 %)

Publisher: Fennica Gehrman
Edition: 1. edition, 2005
Language: English, many languages, Finnish
Pages: 2
Product family: Choral works
Female, youth & childrens choir
Orchestral & stage works
Youth and children's chorus
Finnish library classification: 78.52 Kamariorkesterit (yli 9, yleensä alle 25 soittajaa)
Key words: lapsikuoro
Digital download, 2020
2,38 €

Vesi väsyy lumen alle (Water under Snow is Weary) by Harri Wessman uses the kind of melodies traditionally associated with the Kalevalan bards, but in a modern context. It has attracted a considerable following in Finland and also found its way into the repertoires of choirs abroad. One explanation for its popularity may be found in the special way in which it combines uniquely Finnish elements with an impressionistic tonal language.

Text: Eha Lättemäe (Finnish/English), sungable translation Keith Bosley.

Duration 4 minutes.
Instrumentation: SA chorus, flute, piano & strings

This product is the chorus part.
The full score is available separately: 9790550091375.
The set of parts (flute, piano, strings 11111) is avalaible separately: 9790550110380
The chorus part is available also as a PDF edition (9790550164543).

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