Five Songs to the Poems by Lassi Nummi (in German). The composer Einojuhani Rautavaara and the poet Lassi Nummi are the same age to the day, and it has long been their custom to send each other copies of any new works they publish. Rautavaara accordingly received a volume of Nummi's poetry translated into German that provided him with the texts for a work commissioned by the German Mädchenchor in Hanover. He experienced the poems as being extremely personal, acting as a source of inspiration for his music. Published in the Chorus series (Ch. 111).
Viisi laulua naiskuorolle Lassi Nummen runoihin. Päivälleen samanikäisillä taiteilijoilla, Rautavaaralla ja Nummella, on ollut tapana lähettää toisilleen uudet teoksensa. Rautavaara löysi Nummen saksaksi käännetyistä runoista tekstit tähän Mädchenchor Hannoverin tilaamaan teokseensa.