When the Boys... Seven variations and theme based on a Finnish folk song (PDF) - Organ — Kun pojat... Seitsemän variaatiota ja teema kansanlaulusta (PDF) - Urut

Heiniö, Mikko
Title: When the Boys... Seven variations and theme based on a Finnish folk song (PDF) - Organ — Kun pojat... Seitsemän variaatiota ja teema kansanlaulusta (PDF) - Urut
Authors: Heiniö, Mikko (Composer)
Product number: 9790550166844
Product form: Digital download, PDF
Availability: After purchase immediately available for download
Publication date: 30.8.2022
Price: 10,00 € (9,09 € vat 0 %)

Publisher: Fennica Gehrman
Edition: 2022
Publication year: 2022
Language: Finnish
Format: PDF
Protection type: Vesileima
Pages: 14
Product family: PDF download
Other instruments (download edition)
Other instruments
Finnish library classification: 78.62 Urut
Key words: urut, variaatiot
Sheet music, 2022

12,50 €

Downloadable and printable PDF edition / Ladattava ja itse tulostettava PDF-nuotti.

Mikko Heiniö's Kun pojat... (When the Boys...), Seven variations and theme based on a Finnish folk song was composed in 2016. The folk song in question begins with the phrase "When the boys went singing around the village / the girls believed somebody was playing the organ."

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