Buoyancy for wind band : score and parts — Puhallinorkesterille : score and parts

Mäenpää, Roope
Title: Buoyancy for wind band : score and parts — Puhallinorkesterille : score and parts
Authors: Mäenpää, Roope (Composer)
Product number: 9790550115378
Product form: Sheet music
Availability: Delivery in 7-16 days
Price: 44,67 € (39,18 € vat 0 %)

Publisher: Fennica Gehrman
Edition: 2019
Publication year: 2019
Language: Finnish
Pages: 150
Product family: Frontpage
Wind & brass ensembles
Wind band
Finnish library classification: 78.53 Puhallinorkesterit (yli 25 soittajaa)
Key words: Puhallinorkesteri, Roope Mäenpää

Teos Buoyancy on on yhdistelmä sointia ja aerodynamiikkaa. Se on ajatus lentoon lähtemisestä, maasta irroittautumisesta ja lopulta kenties kotikentälle laskeutumisesta. Buoyancy pyrkii tarjoamaan soittajalleen musisoimisen ja aloitteleville soittajille uusien sointien löytämisen riemua. Teos on sävelletty kauniina keväänä 2019 ja se on puhallinorkestereiden suomenmestaruuskilpailujen tilausteos C-sarjan kilpailun pakolliseksi teokseksi.
Buoyancy is a combination of sound and aerodynamics. Behind the title is an idea of starting to fly, getting up from the ground and at the end perhaps landing on one's home turf. Buoyancy is written in a manner that it would the young musicians both the joy of making music, but also the revelation of finding new ways to produce sounds. The work has been composed during the beautiful spring 2019 and it is a mandatory work in 2020 edition of the national wind band championship competition, category C (young bands).

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