Serenata for string orchestra - score

Englund, Einar
Title: Serenata for string orchestra - score
Authors: Englund, Einar (Composer)
Product number: 9790550115583
Product form: Sheet music
Availability: Delivery in 7-16 days
Price: 40,21 € (35,27 € vat 0 %)

Publisher: Fennica Gehrman
Edition: 2019
Publication year: 2019
Language: English, Finnish
Pages: 71
Product family: String ensembles
Orchestral & stage works
String orchestra
Finnish library classification: 78.521 Jousiorkesterit
Key words: Einar Englund, Jousiorkesteri, String Orchestra
Einar Englund's (1916-1999) musical language is, in his own words, based on sweeping terms and great symphonic lines. He built his works on themes, clear harmonies and polyphonic thinking. As a composer he was a neo-classicist, whose music based on tonality and included long, compact and even romantic melodic lines side by side with spicy dissonances, energetic rhythm and vigorous orchestration. Serenata for string orchestra (1983) is divided in four movements, including a nostalgic menuetto and an energetic and airy Finale with Bartok-like turns. The overall duration is 20 minutes.
Einar Englundin (1916-1999) jousiorkesterille säveltämä Serenata (1983) on kaksi vuotta aiemman konserton 12 sellolle sisarteos. Serenataa leimaa varsinkin kahdessa ensimmäisessä osassa tunnelmien nostalgisuus. Kolmas osa on vanhahtava menuetti, ei kuitenkaan hovitanssin tapaan seremoniallinen vaan kansanomaisella tavalla elegantti. Osan melkein Grieg-tyylistä pääaihetta Englund oli poikana kuullut saaristossa työmiesten laulavan. Serenatan päätösosa on ilmavan energinen, osin bartokmainen. Teoksen kesto on 20 minuuttia ja se on omistettu säveltäjä Pehr Henrik Nordgrenille.

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