
Pietilä, Esa
Title: Uirapuru
Authors: Pietilä, Esa (Composer)
Product number: 9790550115491
Product form: Sheet music
Availability: Delivery in 7-16 days
Price: 8,91 € (7,82 € vat 0 %)

Publisher: Fennica Gehrman
Edition: 2019
Publication year: 2019
Language: undefined
Pages: 20
Product family: Choral works
Male choir
Finnish library classification: 78.3412 Mieskuorot
You hear jungle sounds and an animal making clicking and squeaking sounds... The jungle effects are gradually revealed to be the alpha males of the male choir warming up their larynges and the multiphones of the saxophone. The atmosphere of Uirapuru by Esa Pietilä takes you to the Amazonian jungle and the home of the musician wren, also known as the uirapuru.

The saxophone part is available for download at fennica.digital portal: http://fennica.digital/

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